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Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Faith in and of itself goes against our natural instincts. There is no faith without an obstacle. Faith asks us to trust without doubt, despite what our life experiences have taught us. At times faith appears to reach beyond common sense.

Before I go any further, please understand that blind faith does not exist. Blind faith really is insanity. Faith requires trust, and if you do not know who, why, or what you are trusting, you are making a mistake. 

The reason we struggle with faith is due to the human nature of relying on what we know. We see things through our eyes and our experiences. When you place faith in God, you are trusting the Creator of all things. You are trusting and all powerful God that has no limitations. He knows all things, future, past, and present. God knows the outcome before you do anything at all. True faith is placing trust in God even when things appear impossible. Faith is to believe God with all of your heart mind and soul, even when the situation appears crazy.

Noah – He built a boat on dry land and preached about a flood. Crazy

Abraham – He followed God on a journey without knowing where He was going. Crazy

Moses – Nothing Moses did after he left Egypt was for his own sake. Everything he did required faith. When he left Egypt God placed him on a nightmare journey, with a job no one wanted. At the end of it all his people were free, and they entered the promised land. Crazy

Daniel – He stood his ground and refused to worship anything except the One True God of Israel. He found himself safe and sound in a den of hungry lions. Crazy

The examples of faith throughout the Bible seem endless. What I need you to see is that God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things. Faith is what made every patriarch in the Bible great.

David was a shepherd. He was a puny kid with a future in shearing sheep fleece. Who would have guessed that he would one day become the king of Israel?
Stop doubting; do something crazy.

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