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Monday, March 2, 2009

Get Up, Make a Difference

The media is announcing a worsening economy day after day. With the close of every day on Wall Street, it seems that the markets are destined to fall. More and more people are looking back towards the events that Historians say started on Black Tuesday. A global catastrophie that began with America on October 29, 1929 known best as "The Great Depression". With this research, more gloom and doom is being cast before America and the world. It's as if people are accepting a bad economy as a fate that they are to endure. The Internet is full of remedies of how Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents survived the worst economic period in American History. A time in which an estimated 25% of Americans were out of work.

There is a flaw in many people's reasoning in researching information concerning "The Great Depression" period. Many of these people are giving up. They are looking back while trying to see how bad things may get.

I will never tell you to ignore reality. Things are tough right now. There are millions out of work, and they are having a tough time finding a job that will provide for their families. Hiring employers are watching hundreds of resumes and applications pile up on their desks as job hunters investigate every available option. People are desperate, scared, and confused in many ways. I know this in a personal way. I am one of the millions out of work at the moment. I am not one of the many without hope though.

There is a plus side to our present economic situation. You will never see a positive among the negatives if you are not willing to see through the negative.

...and what is the positive among our economic recession? Many Americans, and others around the globe, have an opportunity before them to step up, stand out, and be great. Many have a clean slate so to speak. There are dreams that need to be sought after. There are plans to be filled. People have a chance to see a brand new life begin that would have never presented an opportunity without a crash of sorts.

First, let me say this; A stimulous package or government handout will not get you back on your feet. Unemployment is a temporary fix that will not last forever. In fact, every means of financial assistance is a band aid that slows the bleeding. It does not heal the wound. Nothing in this world comes easy or free. With the billions of dollars being given to auto manufacturers and banks, comes a note that you and I are paying as tax payers. The same is with every penny given from the government for any one that recieves money.

History shows that America overcame the Great Depression after they grew tired of the government's many failing attempts to correct the financial disasters millions faced. AMERICA WAS NOT BUILT ON A GOVERNMENT DEPENDANCY!!! America was built on the backs and minds of great people. People with determination, strength, and most of all faith. America has never been given an easy road. What makes America look like a dream come true to the world? It's during these hard times that great people with innovative dreams and drives begin to shine.

So, in these hard times we have today, what are you supposed to do? The answer is simple; stop waiting on others to provide your way and make your path. Get up and get busy. If you aren't working for someone else, go to work for you. Use your talents, skills, and gifts to build an income. You could possibly found the next Fortune 500 Company. America did not survive the "Great Depression" and the "Dust Bowl" by sitting on its hands. America got creative, and innovative people determined to succeed got to work when it didn't look like work existed.

People do not stop spending in an economic down time. They simply look for the best deals available. I guess you could say, people get thrifty. A great deal of success is waiting for creative people and their investors.

Proverbs 10:4
Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.

Just a little History:

Interstate Bakeries, the maker of Twinkies Snack cakes and a home to the Hostess brand, was founded during the "Great Depression". Interstate was founded by Ralph Leroy Nafziger in 1930, in Kansas City. The mid West was not only home to a tough economy in terms of the Stock Market. You have to remember, this was also the home of the "Dust Bowl". Greatness still prevailed.

Texas Instruments was founded in 1930 as GSI. In 2008 Texas Instruments ranked 185 on the Fortune 500 list. This has been one of our Country's major innovators for more than 80 years. Do you have a cell phone, calculator, broadband modem, etc in your home? Guess what, TI is likely in the works somewhere in that product, or in their history.

20th Century Fox was formed by the merger of Twentieth Century Pictures and Fox Film Corporation in 1935.

United Technologies was founded in 1929 as a holding company for airlines. Boeing holds its history in this Company.

With a bit of research, one can find hundreds of companies that were born out of a determination to succeed. Many of these success stories appear to be miracles due to a lack of funding.

I know there is greatness within you. How are you going to use the amazing gifts God has given you to change the world?

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