After an amazing service at Journey Community Church, I felt it was time to address an issue that I have had working within my mind for years. The message that Bobby Smith gave this morning was based on Exodus 20:14, Do not commit adultery.
Revelation 21:9 Then one of the seven angels, who had held the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues, came and spoke with me: "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb."
The Bride being spoken of here is the Church. The Church is considered to be the “Bride of Christ”. This title brings with it a description that many Christians overlook. We don’t tie the intimacy that comes with the marriage relationship to our relationship with Jesus. However, the intimacy and closeness a husband and wife share is a great example of the walk God wants to have with you.
A typical wedding vow states that a husband and wife accept one another in sickness and in health. The vow proclaims that there will be dedication and devotion whether richer or poorer, and in good times and bad. What is being proclaimed in a wedding vow is unconditional love.
In marriage, a couple shares in everything. The couple exists in support, and in love. Marriage is a union that touches the heart like no other personal relationship known to man. In marriage, secrets become a thing of the past. Feelings are to be placed in the open. Literally allows a man and a woman to become one. Marriage holds a bond so strong that divorce brings with it mourning that is equal to the death of a loved one.
I could go on and on with a description of the depth of marriage. However, that isn’t what I want to discuss. I simply need you to be aware of the passion and power that exists within marriage. The reason for this is due to the same passion, devotion, and intimacy that God’s has for you. As a Christian you are a member of the Church. That places you as the “Bride of Christ”.
Let’s go back to the 10 Commandments. We are commanded in Exodus 20:3, Do not have other gods besides Me. Unfortunately, we place many things before God in our lives. When other things, no matter how great we may think they might be, are placed before God, we are allowing these things to invade the intimacy that God wants to have with us. We are giving parts of ourselves to something else that was intended only for God.
I’m not about to tell you that God doesn’t want you to have anything. In fact, many of God’s people are, and have been very blessed in riches and worldly things. These people were able to have many possessions. No matter how much these people had though, they did not allow these things to invade the relationship God intended for them alone. In essence, when we place our devotion of things above our devotion to God we commit adultery. We are allowing parts of ourselves to be given away to something that was never supposed to be included within the intimacy of our life.
When you place the word “adultery” in place of rebellion, sin, or neglect of God it allows us to see things in a whole new light. God takes marriage and divorce very seriously. Where is your relationship with God today?
Proverbs 6:32 The one who commits adultery lacks sense; whoever does so destroys himself.
Revelation 21:9 Then one of the seven angels, who had held the seven bowls filled with the seven last plagues, came and spoke with me: "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb."
The Bride being spoken of here is the Church. The Church is considered to be the “Bride of Christ”. This title brings with it a description that many Christians overlook. We don’t tie the intimacy that comes with the marriage relationship to our relationship with Jesus. However, the intimacy and closeness a husband and wife share is a great example of the walk God wants to have with you.
A typical wedding vow states that a husband and wife accept one another in sickness and in health. The vow proclaims that there will be dedication and devotion whether richer or poorer, and in good times and bad. What is being proclaimed in a wedding vow is unconditional love.
In marriage, a couple shares in everything. The couple exists in support, and in love. Marriage is a union that touches the heart like no other personal relationship known to man. In marriage, secrets become a thing of the past. Feelings are to be placed in the open. Literally allows a man and a woman to become one. Marriage holds a bond so strong that divorce brings with it mourning that is equal to the death of a loved one.
I could go on and on with a description of the depth of marriage. However, that isn’t what I want to discuss. I simply need you to be aware of the passion and power that exists within marriage. The reason for this is due to the same passion, devotion, and intimacy that God’s has for you. As a Christian you are a member of the Church. That places you as the “Bride of Christ”.
Let’s go back to the 10 Commandments. We are commanded in Exodus 20:3, Do not have other gods besides Me. Unfortunately, we place many things before God in our lives. When other things, no matter how great we may think they might be, are placed before God, we are allowing these things to invade the intimacy that God wants to have with us. We are giving parts of ourselves to something else that was intended only for God.
I’m not about to tell you that God doesn’t want you to have anything. In fact, many of God’s people are, and have been very blessed in riches and worldly things. These people were able to have many possessions. No matter how much these people had though, they did not allow these things to invade the relationship God intended for them alone. In essence, when we place our devotion of things above our devotion to God we commit adultery. We are allowing parts of ourselves to be given away to something that was never supposed to be included within the intimacy of our life.
When you place the word “adultery” in place of rebellion, sin, or neglect of God it allows us to see things in a whole new light. God takes marriage and divorce very seriously. Where is your relationship with God today?
Proverbs 6:32 The one who commits adultery lacks sense; whoever does so destroys himself.